K2C Solutions Limited has the upmost respect for customers and website visitors, and all data required to access to some webpages of www.k2c.com will be treated in compliance with applicable regulations currently valid in United Kingdom (Data Protection Act) and in European Community (General Data Protection Regulation ref. 2016/679)
Visitors and customers are required to register to our website in order to access to some webpages dedicated to free downloads, online purchase orders and/or discussion Forums, using cookies when required: the personal data entered by the user are mainly needed to identify who is acting and accessing to member areas of our website.
We will never disclose your personal information you enter when registering to our website without your explicit consent, and we will use this information only to process your online request and communicate with you.
The user account (or username) that you create when you register to our website is required to access both to Members' Area and K2C Discussion Forum that are part of our company website www.k2c.com. K2C uses the personal data entered by online users to:
grant the access to some areas of our website (members, discussion forum, downloads)
identify who is acting and accessing to member area of our website
monitor the downloads and the assignment of trial versions of our software, if downloaded by the user
process the invoice and delivery of the purchased software licenses, in case of online orders
send email to registered users in order to notify new products or services, updates or other marketing initiative we directly manage as part of our business.
Please note that username might be visible to other users in discussion forums of our website, therefore we recommend to avoid the use of your full name as "username" in oder to avoid the direct identification of your person from other registered users of our website.
Registering to our website, you accept this policy and you agree that your IP Address is recorded with each action on this website, including any possible communication by email or online form.
The user can view or correct his/her personal data in our website "Member area" at the following link https://www.k2c.com/access/membersummarydetails.php
User registration to member area of our website implies the acceptance of marketing communications by K2C Solutions Limited, nonetheless you can request at any time to be cancelled by our database and by our mailing list using this form or sending a communication at the following address, that corresponds to the company that is responsible of privacy-sensible data:
191 Waltham Way
E4 8AG London, United Kingdom
The request to cancel the user account will be processed within 5 working days.
Our server(s) where website and user personal data are maintained are in United Kingdom or in other European Community countries and are fully under control of K2C Solutions Limited who is unique responsible for personal data treatment.
User personal data are maintained up to an unlimited time but can be removed in case of request as above described.
K2C can suspend the user membership at any time in case of violation or even in case of false information provided in registration form: we remember that these information are verified by us regularly and false details may cause the suspension of K2C software licenses eventually downloaded with the same.
Please also note that registering to our website means to automatically register to any member area, including donwloads and discussion forums (see next section).
On our websites we may use Google Analytics and Google AD Sense to collect information about your online activity on our websites, for example regarding the web pages you visit, the links you click on or the research conducted on our websites. This information may be used for reporting purposes and to enable us to improve websites. Cookies collect various information in an anonymous form, such as the number of visitors to the website, their origin and the pages they visited. The information generated by these cookies and your current IP address will be transmitted by your browser to Google, which will store them on servers located in the United States and other countries. Google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate the use of our website as described above. IP addresses acquired through Google Analytics will not be associated with other data held by Google. For more information on data collected through Google Analytics, you can visit www.google.com/intl/en/analytics/privacyoverview.html. To prevent the use of these cookies, you can select the appropriate settings in your browser. In this case, it is possible that you are not able to fully use the features of our websites. You can download and install the browser add-on to disable Google Analytics from: google opt out.
Whilst we attempt to edit or remove any messages containing inappropriate, sexually orientated, abusive, hateful, slanderous, or threatening material that could be considered invasive of a person's privacy, or which otherwise violate any kind of law, it is impossible for us to review every message posted on this discussion system.
For this reason you acknowledge that all messages posted on this discussion system express the views and opinions of the original message author and not necessarily the views of this bulletin board. Therefore we take no responsibility and cannot be held liable for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy and completeness of every message.
By registering on this discussion system you agree that you will not post any material which is knowingly false, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, sexually orientated, threatening or invasive of a person's privacy, or any other material which may violate any applicable laws.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in the termination of your account, account suspension, or permanent ban of access to these forums.
Your IP Address is recorded with each post you make on this discussion system and is retrievable by the forum staff if need-be. You agree that we have the ability and right to remove, edit, or lock any account or message at any time should it be seen fit.
You agree that each threat or post that you submit can be subject to moderation and control of the forum administrator(s), including the possibility of locking the content or removing it from the published content.
You also agree that any information you enter on this discussion system is stored in a database, and that "cookies" are stored on your computer to save your login information.
Any information you provide on these forums will not be disclosed to any third party without your complete consent, although the staff cannot be held liable for any hacking attempt in which your data is compromised. By continuing with the sign-up process, you agree to the above rules and any others that the Administrator specifies.